El campanaret de la Catedral de la Seu d'Urgell

Santa Maria cathedral

Santa Maria cathedral is the fourth and last cathedral built in La Seu d’Urgell. Construction on it got underway in the time of the bishop Saint Odo in the early twelfth century.


 It has three naves, a transept and a chevet with five apses, although only the central one projects outward. On either side of the transept are two quadrangular towers that reveal the building’s fortified physiognomy. Located in a small niche in the central apse is the Romanesque image of the Virgin Mary dating from the first half of the thirteenth century; she is also known as Our Lady of Andorra.


 The cathedral we see today, which is largely stripped of any add-ons and decorations from subsequent periods, is the outcome of a series of restorations undertaken in the twentieth century which sought to showcase the building’s Romanesque past.

All the spaces
Bon dia☀️

Avui desperta amb art amb aquest detall de la Cúpula de la Catedral. 

📷 @ked3012 

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Avui és el dia mundial del Turisme i volem donar les gràcies a totes les persones que ens visiten i gaudeixen i respecten el nostre patrimoni. 

📷 @ked3012 

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My kingdom for a #romanesquecloister ! ♥️

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El temps hi passa cada dia amb carro, s'hi atura a fer el cafè i segueix pel camí brodat pel sol.

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El claustro de la Catedral de la Seu d’Urgell tiene más de 50 capiteles ornamentados con elementos vegetales, hombres y animales.
Estàs pensant en fer una visita guiada a la Catedral?

📅Dillluns, Dimecres, Dijous i Dissabte en català
📅Dimarts i Divendres en castellà

Reserva la teva plaça trucant al 973 353 242 o al correu info@museucatedralseudurgell.org 

📷 @ked3012 

#VisitesGuiades  #MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell