General tour
Are you thinking of visiting the Museum and the Cathedral with friends, family, your partner or no your own? Here you can find out about all your tour options.
Open tour
Tour the Museum and the Cathedral of La Seu d’Urgell at your own pace.
Check the timetables and fees for visits at this link
Guided tour of the Cathedral
Learn about the history of the Cathedral and its complex on a guided tour led by our guides.
Tuesdays at 11 am in Spanish
Saturdays at 11 am in Catalan
General fee (€8)
Discounted fee (€6)
Children under 12 free of charge
Guided tour of the Museum
Learn about the history harboured in our works on a guided tour led by our guides.
Timetable: By appointment only.
Informative leaflet
Download the leaflet in pdf format, where you’ll find all the practical information on the Museum-Cathedral..