
The Diocesan Museum of Urgell was created in 1957 during the episcopate of Bishop Ramon Iglesias Navarri. It is the last diocesan collection to be formed in Catalonia.

It originated in a Sacred Art exhibition that was held in the Chapterhouse featuring the pieces from the Cathedral’s treasure and promoted by the Friends of La Salle—a group of alumni who in 1956 suggested to the Cathedral’s chapter the possibility of creating a museum.

This initial museum started with around 50 pieces from the Cathedral and the church of the Pietà, and its director was monsignor Pau Vidal. From then on, the collection continued to expand with new additions, like documents from the chapterhouse archive, the Beatus, the Bull of Pope Sylvester II and other items from the different parish churches in the diocese which arrived in the 1960s and 1970s through the Diocesan Heritage Committee.

Highlighted pieces

El claustro de la Catedral de la Seu d’Urgell tiene más de 50 capiteles ornamentados con elementos vegetales, hombres y animales.
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Avui desperta amb art amb aquest detall de la Catedral. 

📷 @ked3012 

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