The chalice of Bishop Galceran of Vilanova

This is a gilded Gothic chalice with enamelled figures both on the base, depicting the Virgin with Child, Calvary and Saint John the Baptist, and on the edge of the base, which shows three scenes related to Jesus’s childhood: the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Epiphany. It was made by a gold enameller from Barcelona. The chalice was donated to the Cathedral by BishopGalceran of Vilanova during his episcopate.

Bishop Galceran of Vilanova He was a man of refined tastes and high purchasing power. He was at the helm of the Diocese of Urgell between 1388 and 1415. He offered Santa Maria cathedral such prized treasures as the chalice, the missal and other high-quality goods which have unfortunately disappeared. He also actively participated in renovating the spaces and laid the first stone of Sant Domènec church in La Seu d’Urgell.

All the pieces
Bon dia☀️

Avui desperta amb art amb aquest detall de la Cúpula de la Catedral. 

📷 @ked3012 

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Avui és el dia mundial del Turisme i volem donar les gràcies a totes les persones que ens visiten i gaudeixen i respecten el nostre patrimoni. 

📷 @ked3012 

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My kingdom for a #romanesquecloister ! ♥️

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El temps hi passa cada dia amb carro, s'hi atura a fer el cafè i segueix pel camí brodat pel sol.

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El claustro de la Catedral de la Seu d’Urgell tiene más de 50 capiteles ornamentados con elementos vegetales, hombres y animales.
Estàs pensant en fer una visita guiada a la Catedral?

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📅Dimarts i Divendres en castellà

Reserva la teva plaça trucant al 973 353 242 o al correu 

📷 @ked3012 

#VisitesGuiades  #MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell