Practical information


    To organise your visit, check our timetables and rates. Tickets can be purchased at the museum up to 30 minutes before closing time.

    Opening hours

    1st-october to 30th-may
    Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 1:30pm and 4pm to 6pm.
    Holidays: 10am to 1pm.
    Sunday: Closed

    1st- June to 30th-septembre
    Monday to Saturday: 10am to 1:30pm and 4pm to 7pm.
    Holidays: 10am to 1pm.
    Sunday: Closed

    The Cathedral and the museum will close.

    • January 1 & 6
    • January 5 (afternoon)
    • August 15 & 26
    • August 27 (afternoon)
    • September 20 (afternoon)
    • September 21
    • December 25 & 26

    Access to the Museum up to 30 minutes before closing time.


    General admission 4€

    Reduced admission 3€
    People over 65 years old
    Groups of ten or more

    Reduced admission 2€
    Youth Card
    People between de ages of 13 and 18
    Members of large families
    People with a disability level equal to or greater than 33%
    Single Parent Family

    Free admission
    Official Tour Guides or Teachers with Groups
    Members of ICOM
    Members of AMC
    Children (under 12)
    Alt Urgell residents



    Plaça del Deganat,
    La Seu d’Urgell – 25700


    The mission of the Museum and Cathedral of La Seu d’Urgell is to be a heritage space open to everyone. Even though we do not yet have all the tools needed to be a fully accessible museum, we’re working on improving its accessibility.

    Contact: +34 973 353 242 &

    The Museum-Cathedral of La Seu d’Urgell has four spaces:

    • The Museum contains pieces from the Cathedral and the different parish churches in the bishopric dating from the Romanesque period to the twentieth century.
    • The twelfth-century quadrangular Cloister is surrounded by 51 sculpted capitals, all of them different.
    • Sant Miquel church, which dates from the eleventh century, is the oldest building still standing in La Seu d’Urgell.
    • The twelfth-century Cathedral is the only Romanesque cathedral in Catalonia.

    Car park

    There is one reserved parking place for holders of a parking card for people with disabilities, with a sign designating it as such, at no. 1, Carrer Major.


    To enter the Museum and the Cathedral, you have to go around the entire Cathedral to the Museum entrance in Plaça del Deganat.


    Inside the cloister is a restroom for persons with reduced mobility. There are also restrooms on the Museum’s ground floor, but they are not accessible.


    Certified service dogs are welcome.

    The spaces are large, so we recommend wearing warm clothing for most of the year.

    The Cathedral bells toll at 12 o’clock.

    The accessibility of our spaces:

    The Museum was created in 1957 during the episcopate of bishop Ramon Iglesias Navarri. The chapterhouse has undergone several different enlargements and renovations since its inception, the latest one in 1988. It is currently housed in the former deanery house and the Pietà Chapel.

    • The visitor information service is located in the museum lobby on the ground floor and can be reached via two prominent ramps.
    • Tickets sales and the shop are in the lobby.
    • Once inside, there is a lift taking you to all the floors of the Museum.
    • There is a lift leading to the Pietà Chapel.
    • The Pietà Chapel has informative posters in English.
    • On the rails at the entrance to the Pietà Chapel, there are Braille indicators telling where the rail begins and ends. 
    • On the second floor, there are horizontal vitrines on the sides of the galleries. Please be careful because they jut out to allow wheelchair users to see.

    The Cloister, which is quadrangular in shape and dates from the twelfth century, is surrounded by four simple galleries with 51 sculpted capitals, all of them different. The east gallery was torn down in 1603 and replaced by seven large arches with rectangular pillars.

    • The Cloister can be entered from the Museum with the two ramps that go up the height of one step.

    Sant Miquel, previously Sant Pere, is a church located inside the cathedral complex that has been documented since the tenth century. 

    • It is not accessible in a wheelchair, because there are 5 steps leading to it.

    Santa Maria cathedral is the fourth and last cathedral to be erected in La Seu d’Urgell. Construction on it began during the time of bishop Saint Odo in the early twelfth century. 

    • The Cathedral is usually entered via the Cloister, where there are two steps and a ramp. 
    • It can be entered from the Oms Square in a wheelchair, but please let us know in advance so we can open this door for you. We are a small museum and want to serve your needs to the extent possible.

    Informative leaflet

    Download the leaflet in pdf format, where you’ll find all the practical information on the Museum-Cathedral..


    Museu Catedral de la Seu d’Urgell
    Plaça del Deganat, La Seu d’Urgell – 25700
    tel: +34 973 35 32 42

    Bon dia☀️

Avui desperta amb art amb aquest detall de la Cúpula de la Catedral. 

📷 @ked3012 

#DespertaAmbArt  #Catedral  #MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell  #Cúpula  #Romànic
    Avui és el dia mundial del Turisme i volem donar les gràcies a totes les persones que ens visiten i gaudeixen i respecten el nostre patrimoni. 

📷 @ked3012 

#DiaMundialdelTurisme #Turisme  #Patrimoni  #MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell
    Déjate ver.
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#catedraldelaseudurgell #santamariadurgell
#catedraldesantamariadurgell #catedralromanica  #igersseu_calendari2025
    My kingdom for a #romanesquecloister ! ♥️

Et oui, toujours mon amour des #vieillespierres … que voulez-vous? 
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    Plou i no saps on anar? Visita'ns

#MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell #Pluja #Claustre #Catedral #Romànic
    El temps hi passa cada dia amb carro, s'hi atura a fer el cafè i segueix pel camí brodat pel sol.

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    El claustro de la Catedral de la Seu d’Urgell tiene más de 50 capiteles ornamentados con elementos vegetales, hombres y animales.
    Estàs pensant en fer una visita guiada a la Catedral?

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📅Dimarts i Divendres en castellà

Reserva la teva plaça trucant al 973 353 242 o al correu 

📷 @ked3012 

#VisitesGuiades  #MuseuCatedralSeudUrgell